Wednesday 13 May 2015

Dendrobium Unicum Spike development

So the spikes have grown but sadly I think it was in the direct sun too much and so some of the flower buds from each spike dried up. :(. Thankfully it seems that there are a few of the buds which are continuing to develop.  Hopefully at least one will actually flower! It's quite hard to tell if the buds are dying or just changing colour towards the orange of the flower.

Interestingly a keiki has also developed - I don't know if this is a good or bad sign as I have read somewhere that it can be a sign that the parent plant is not doing well.  I hope that now I have moved it away from the direct sun, it will be happier and thrive... I don't mind if the keiki develops too and then I can plant that out as well in due course.

After it flowers, I will have to work out whether to repot it or not and which way up I should have it.  Looking at the pseudobulbs, which are not able to support their own weight, it might make sense to mount it and have the PBs trailing...

Previous post on this plant here.

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