Monday 18 May 2015

Vandeaeous orchids experiment

I have known for a long time that Vanda orchids grow with their roots totally exposed and trailing out of the baskets... but it took actually buying a gorgeous, full sized Vanda, to then motivate me to read up about them and understand them better.  It turns out that there are different types of Vandas - strap-leaf, terete and semi-terete.  Here are some useful resources:

The gorgeous Vanda Somsri Glory

Roots of the new Vanda trailing down from the basket

In reading more, I realised that the Vandeae tribe has many different subtribes and genuses and that in fact I already had some of these - Aerides, Neofinetia.

In fact, I have already had quite a lot of success with my Neofinetia Falcata - and that was also growing with very little media around its roots...  I also then realised that I had probably been incorrectly stifling the roots of the Aerides Flabellata that I've had for a while...

SO.... armed with this realisation, I decided bravely (and totally against my best instincts to keep roots covered!) to remove all the vandeaeous plants from their media and leave their roots trailing...

Vanda coerulescens plantlet purchased in March 2015

Unknown Vanda seedling purchased in Singapore 

Aerides Flabellata

Purple Neofinetia purchased March 2015
Will be monitoring them closely to see what happens!

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